Daily Essentials

Do you want to incorporate daily habits that can transform your health physically, mentally & emotionally?

Do you want to live an energetic and feel good life to be able to do the things that matter most to you?

These daily health habits on this page will help you to feel GOOD in your body, heart & mind. 

Step 1: Strong Foundation

Lifelong Vitality Pack is your vitamins & minerals in whole food form, a superfood blend, all of your Omega fatty acids, and packed with powerful polyphenols, natural energy co-factors & anti-oxidants.

What people experience is: Better moods, more energy, less aches & pains, less stress & more vitality.

Check out this video I created for you!

Step 2: Happy Gut

Did you know?

Without enzymes our foods sit in our gut and turn to fat.

Terrazyme Digestive Enzymes chews up our food and turns it into liquid, like putting gas in a car. This keeps food moving through your system and increases the absorption of nutrients.

PB Assist is a unique pre & probiotic because of its double encapsulation. If we don't have good bacteria in our gut, everything else will start to fall apart. 

Directly tied to the healthy bacteria in our gut is:

👉 Our hormone health
👉 Our skin health
👉 Our mental health
👉 Our immune health
👉 Our emotional health

Our gut health is like the mama of our body. If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, #amiright?!

Step 3: Proactive Health

Daily use of Frankincense & On Guard can help  you to protect your cells & your immune system.

✅ 2 drops 2x/ day under the tongue or on the bottom's of your feet.

Step 3: Calm Your Butt Down

We can feel INSTANT relief from stress when we use calming and grounding oils like Lavender & Balance.

Breathe them in, put them on, diffuse them... just use them EVERY DAY.

Step 4: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate... w/oils of course!

We can feel INSTANT relief from stress when we use calming and grounding oils like Lavender & Balance.

Breathe them in, put them on, diffuse them... just use them EVERY DAY.

© Copyright Seeking Wellness.  All Rights Reserved. 


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